Down Ballot Resources

There are a ton of down ballot races all over the state this year. Louisianahbrah will not be endorsing anyone, but we will do our best to share resources here so you can do your research and be an educated voter.


  1. FIND YOUR SAMPLE BALLOT HERE, print it out, research each race, mark it up, and bring it with you to the polls. You can also download the Geaux Vote mobile app to see your sample ballot.

  2. MAKE SURE YOU HAVE A PLAN FOR VOTING. Know when and where you will go vote.

  3. CONSIDER EARLY VOTING IF POSSIBLE. As we’ve seen for months now, the Republican party—at all levels—has been undermining public trust in the validity of mail in ballots. The best way we can ensure a quick and relatively painless win and transfer of power, is if we win by a large margin and if we cast as many votes as possible in person. Also, let’s establish early on that we aren’t playing and that Trump has to go. Look for your early voting places here and remember that you can go to any of the designated spots in your parish during early voting. It lasts from Oct. 16-27 every day from 8am to 7pm, except for Sundays.


  1. LOUISIANAHBRAH: check out our “Make a Plan” and “Down Ballot” highlight to find our recs on constitutional amendments, info on voting, and other deeper dives. (quick recap, yes on #s 2 & 3, no on everything else)

  2. GEAUX VOTE: this is the Secretary of State’s one stop shop for voting and election information. Despite the fact that Kyle obviously hates free and fair elections, this is an easily navigable website. You can also download their Geaux Vote app.

  3. POWER COALITION: this is a great place to find additional information on voting in Louisiana, including sample ballots from several different parishes.


General state-wide/DA Races:

Constitutional Amendments:

Orleans Parish Down Ballot Races:



Check out the following organizations that have provided endorsements. If you feel aligned with any of them, you might want to follow their recommendations. Or you can always mix it up. Again, this is all your call. That’s the beauty of democracy.


Orleans Parish School Board Races

  • FORWARD NEW ORLEANS (FNOPS): is a diverse coalition of more than 20 civic, business and neighborhood organizations committed to increasing the number of quality public school options and ensuring equal access to quality education citywide. They have a scorecard noting if each candidate has taken their pledge to uphold the Forward New Orleans platform.

  • DEMOCRATS FOR EDUCATION REFORM (DFER): is a national political organization that supports elected Democrats and candidates for office who seek to expand policies and practices that work well for America’s students, and to confront those that do not. Find their endorsements here.

Orleans Parish District Attorney Race

  • KNOW YOUR VOTE LA: again, check them out if you’re into their platform.

  • NOLA DEFENDERS 4 EQUAL JUSTICE: Is Public Defender-led group working to transform the criminal legal system in Orleans Parish. Their goal is to “flip the bench,” meaning newly elected sitting judges will be former public defenders instead of former prosecutors—an idea which you may or may not find merit in depending on the candidate.


NO ON HB 38-let locals decide what to do with their $$$
