NAH BRAH: Vote by Mail and More

Hello Brah-ettes & Brah-ers!

Welcome to Louisianahbrah’s first newsletter! There’s a lot going on this week, so we’re glad you’re here.


Rep. Mandie Landry’s HB 419 is up for a vote tomorrow (May 19th) in House and Governmental Affairs Committee. HB 419 would expand access to voting by mail in Louisiana—currently Louisianians are only allowed to vote by mail if they have an "excuse" such as age or illness. Rep. Landry's bill would expand the ability to vote absentee by mail to include all eligible voters. This is absolutely crucial— Secretary of State Kyle Ardoin has passed an emergency election plan, but it is temporary and only applies to July elections. In addition, he has made it clear where he stands when it comes to expanding access to voting. Visit Louisiana Vote By Mail for more information and resources.

Please email committee members before 1 pm Tuesday, May 19th by copy and pasting the addresses & script below

Email addresses: "Hon. Stephen Dwight" <>, "Hon. Royce Duplessis" <>, "Hon. Beau Beaullieu IV" <>, "Hon. Wilford Carter" <>, "Hon. Les Farnum" <>, "Hon. Foy Gadberry" <>, "Hon. Charles Henry" <>, "Hon. Valarie Hodges" <>, "Hon. Dodie Horton" <>, "Hon. Barry Ivey" <>, "Hon. Sam Jenkins" <>, "Hon. Mike Johnson" <>, "Hon. Jeremy LaCombe" <>, "Hon. Tanner Magee" <>, "Hon. Candace Newell" <>, "Hon. Rodney Schamerhorn" <>, "Hon. Malinda Brumfield-White" <>

Script (courtesy of Louisiana Vote By Mail):

Dear Chair & Members of the House & Governmental Affairs Committee,

I urge you to support HB 419 to allow vote by mail in Louisiana. People should feel safe when casting their ballot and giving people as many avenues to vote ensures that people feel safe while casting their ballot. This pandemic has exposed this problem and I am concerned that the emergency election plan you passed does not include people that live with at-risk family members, and of much greater concern it does not include the consequential November Election.

This bill would help to strengthen our voting system and bring it in line with over 30 other states in the country. None of which have reported any major instances of fraud.


Name, address, zip code

****Extra points to throw in if you feel like getting wild:

  • Mention that 30+ states have already implemented this safe system. Louisiana has had a narrow vote-by-mail system for 20+ years and has seen 0 cases of voter fraud prosecuted.

  • The National Council of State Legislatures says that unrestricted vote-by-mail is the gold standard in election security due to the paper trail it leaves.


Four major gun bills passed out of House Criminal Justice Committee last week.

  • HB 140 by Rep. Blake Miguez: eliminates the authority of local governments to prohibit guns in commercial establishments and public buildings (including playgrounds and places that serve alcohol)

  • HB 781 by Rep. Blake Miguez: Currently, the governor, a parish president, a chief executive of a municipality, and a chief LEO of a political subdivision have different authorities to suspend the sales, transportation, and use of firearms during declared emergencies. This bill would strip away this authority and would affirmatively declare firearm manufacturers and dealers as essential businesses that cannot be forced to close for any reason during an emergency.

  • HB 746 by Rep. Ray Garofolo: Allows a person to carry a concealed firearm without a permit while evacuating an area pursuant to an evacuation order during a state of emergency or declared disaster.

  • HB 334 by Rep. Bryan Fontenot: Allows concealed carry in churches.

Next, these bills will be up for a vote on the House floor. Please email your State Representative with the following script and ask them to oppose ALL of these bills. Find your Legislator here.

Dear Representative __________,

I am writing in opposition to HB 140, HB 781, HB 746, and HB 334. These bills are misguided and limit my elected officials’ power to help us live safe lives in our communities.

Please reject this dangerous legislation and VOTE NO on HB 140, HB 781, HB 746, and HB 334.


Name, address, zip code


HB 328 by Rep. Aimee Freeman passed the House! This bill authorizes an exemption from local sales taxes for feminine hygiene products and diapers. This is HUGE! This bill has failed to pass for years. Next it will be assigned to Senate Committee—we’ll let y’all know when and who to write!


Unfortunately, in a year where paid sick leave is even more important than ever, the Legislature failed to pass two important bills. HB 832 by Rep. Matt Willard and HB 797 by Rep. Royce Duplessis. Shout out to Rep. Willard and Rep. Duplessis for bringing such important legislation and fighting the good fight. Drop these two a line and say thanks for their efforts.

Email addresses:, 


Dear Rep. Willard and Rep. Duplessis,

Thank you for all of your hard work on HB 832 and HB 797. We are proud to have you in the New Orleans delegation and we appreciate everything you do.


Name, address, zip code


Until next time, my friends.

Y’all go out and Nah Brah like a boss.



Tampon Tax Bill: TIME TO SHINE


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