The World is a Dumpster Fire: you're the hose, brah
Hello friends,
It has been a rough week and I know we are all exhausted, but there is nothing else to say except we must go on. We must stay engaged. We must hold our elected officials accountable because:
the systems of oppression that lead to George Floyd’s murder are built taller every single day in statehouses like our across the country.
It is all related. And the only reason Louisianahbrah exists is to help create a voice that will one day be loud enough to bring an end to these gross injustices.
In that vein, here are some quick updates and action items for you, my dear sweet friends, so you can hose down this dumpster fire we live in.
Rep. Aimee Freeman’s HB 328 finally passed the Senate! This is HUGE! This bill, which authorizes an exemption from local sales taxes for feminine hygiene products and diapers, has failed to pass for years. Holler at Rep. Freeman ( to say thanks for FINALLY managing to get this bill across the finish line—with the slight caveat that is expires in December 2021 but we’re going to have to deal with that in 2021 bc, again, 2020 is a dumpster fire.
There are four gun bills that have passed swiftly through the House and Senate Committee. They are up for one final vote on the Senate floor, so please email your State Senator and tell him/her/prolly him to vote against it.
Find your legislator here. Enter your information and click on the link they give you for your Louisiana Senate district. That is your Louisiana State Senator! His/her email will be listed on his/her page. And then save that info bc we’re going to be reaching out to him/her a lot.
Use the following script:
Dear Senator __________,
I am writing in opposition to HB 140, HB 781, HB 746, and HB 334. These bills are misguided and limit my elected officials’ power to help us live safe lives in our communities.
Please reject this dangerous legislation and VOTE NO on HB 140, HB 781, HB 746, and HB 334.
Name, address, zip code
Two important bills are up for a vote today (right now!) in Senate Judiciary B Committee:
HB 643 by Rep. Fred Jones caps parole at 5 years for all convictions moving forward.
HB 344 by Rep. Mandie Landry prohibits the use of solitary confinement for pregnant women.
Please email Committee members today by copy and pasting email addresses and script below:
Email addresses: "Hon. Gary Smith" <>, "Hon. Joseph Bouie Jr. PhD, LCSW" <>, "Hon. Cameron Henry" <>, "Hon. Ronnie Johns" <>, "Hon. Mike Reese" <>, "Hon. Kirk Talbot" <>, "Hon. Greg Tarver" <>
Dear Senator __________,
Please support HB 643 to cap parole at 5 years and HB 344 to prohibit the use of solitary for certain people, particularly pregnant women.
Thank you,
Name, address, zip
**a MASSIVE thank you to Julie Schwam Harris and Voice of the Experienced for compiling this information and making every day advocacy manageable**
Until next time,