Hello Dear Brahs,
We have one more round of elections to go. Today (Nov. 28th) is the last day to early vote for the Dec. 5 election. Voter turnout is historically low for non-presidential elections, but why don’t we stop that trend? Every single election at the local level is just as important, if not MORE important as national elections. So, let’s do this.
Visit geauxvote.com for general election info.
Visit voterportal.sos.la.gov for a sample ballot and your early voting/election day polling place. Or download the Geaux Vote mobile app.
Y’all know how I feel about down ballot. It should be your top priority and you should make your own decisions based on your own research and where you land on the issues. To that effect, here are some guides with analysis and recs for the propositions and various races:
Bureau of Governmental Research (BGR) Analysis of Propositions
Public Affairs Research Council of Louisiana (PAR) Guide to the Amendments
Louisianahbrah doesn’t do any candidate endorsements, but we are a no on the Constitutional Amendment and all Orleans Parish Propositions. RE the constitutional amendment: it seems pretty basic that the people serving on our higher ed boards should be based in Louisiana and have a personal investment in the community. RE the propositions: the City has time to give us a detailed overview of what they actually plan to do with our tax dollars—and hopefully that will be a plan that doesn’t include gutting our pubic libraries.
For Orleans Parish peeps: there is one race that will be on your ballot when you go to vote that will not show up on your sample ballot: Division I, Orleans Parish Civil District Court. Lori Jupiter has already won since her opponent, Mike Hall, dropped out. However, since Hall dropped out so late in the game, the SOS didn’t have time to change the ballot. So don’t worry about it.
Go forth and vote, y’all. It’s important.